Rules and Information


1. Be friendly to each other
2. Do not spam the Chatbox
3. Racism is not tolerated under any circumstances
4. Post in the right categories
5. You can private message other people but do not spam them or be offensive
7. If you need help just ask
8. NO SUSPICIOUS LINKS! If anyone sees a link do not click on it unless it is verified as safe or put in by a trusted individual
9. Be careful with what information you give someone such as emails or passwords

Rules will be added as seen fit and will be subject to change if needed


Veteran and Member have no specific special permissions

Officer, Co-Leader, and Leader are to be listened to and not ignored they have varying special permissions

The Discord link is at the top of the forum as well as the Steam store page for Operation: New Earth

I am currently thinking about getting us an SSL which requires a domain to be put in on this forum

Same with Rules if more is needed to be added here it will be 

Welcome, please read this.

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Thank you for using Mistforums and welcome to your own free forum.

You are automatically assigned as Owner and can start by accessing the admin panel by clicking on the top right.

We would love to hear your thoughts on how we have done so far.

Be sure to join our steamgroup / twitter for updates.

We aim to provide you a better and more fluid experience compared to other forum software.